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Supported Living Arrangement

(SLA) program offers residential supports to individuals who require assistance to live in the least restrictive community setting possible. Here are the key details:

Purpose and Target Population:

SLA aims to maximize independence for individuals with developmental disabilities.
It provides habilitative and skill-building supports.
Participants can live in various arrangements, including family homes, apartments, host homes, foster homes, and shared residences.

Types of SLA:

Intermittent SLA:

Participants receive intermittent support while living alone, with roommates, or with family.
Support hours vary based on assessed needs and desires.
24-hour SLA:

Provides maximum support services.
Staff are present whenever participants are at home, with awake or asleep staff at night.
Typically involves living with roommates in a community neighborhood.
Host Homes:
Participants receive services from a Host Home provider who includes them in family life and activities.
Direct services support acquisition, retention, or improvement of community living skills.